13. 08. 2010 Patrick Zambelli Predictive Analysis

Capacity View: Exchange 2007

For the capacity management it is of interest to monitor the development of performance values over a longer time distance within graphs.

Today we will offer the community a collection of templates to monitor the load of a Microsoft Exchange 2007 server infrastructure.

This template is made up of an data import file for Cacti version 0.8.x importable directly from the web front-end. The other file ( exchange07.pl ) has to be placed in your cacti home in the folder scripts/

Advice: Don’t forget to edit the path to your local check_nt binary and the path for the comunication!

Graphs for number of connections and mail exchange statistics:

Graphs for RPC statistics and SMTP queues:

Graphs for the optional SPAM filter service activity:

Cacti importable host “Exchange 2007” template and script: Exchange07_CactiTempl_01

Import the XML vai Import feature from web
Copy the Perl script to ./cacti/scripts/exchange07.pl

Patrick Zambelli

Patrick Zambelli

Project Manager at Würth Phoenix
After my graduation in Applied Computer Science at the Free University of Bolzano I decided to start my professional career outside the province. With a bit of good timing and good luck I went into the booming IT-Dept. of Geox in the shoe district of Montebelluna, where I realized how a big IT infrastructure has to grow and adapt to quickly changing requirements. During this experience I had also the nice possibility to travel the world, while setting up the various production and retail areas of this company. Arrived at Würth Phoenix I started developing on our monitoring solution NetEye. Today, in my position as Consulting an Project Manager I am continuously heading to implement our solutions to meet the expectation of your enterprise customers.


Patrick Zambelli

After my graduation in Applied Computer Science at the Free University of Bolzano I decided to start my professional career outside the province. With a bit of good timing and good luck I went into the booming IT-Dept. of Geox in the shoe district of Montebelluna, where I realized how a big IT infrastructure has to grow and adapt to quickly changing requirements. During this experience I had also the nice possibility to travel the world, while setting up the various production and retail areas of this company. Arrived at Würth Phoenix I started developing on our monitoring solution NetEye. Today, in my position as Consulting an Project Manager I am continuously heading to implement our solutions to meet the expectation of your enterprise customers.

7 Replies to “Capacity View: Exchange 2007”

  1. charles says:

    Great looking script and template. Could you please elaborate what you mean when you said, under advice, “and the path for the comunication!”

    my check_nt path is correct (it is the same as in the script), but I am not sure what you mean by the path for communication.
    When I import the template and put the .pl in the ./cact/scripts/ folder and create a device with this template, cacti just says “data not being graphed”

    any suggestions?

  2. Patrick Zambelli says:

    Hello Charles,

    you did right, you have just to set the path in the exchange07.pl in row 8 to your current check_nt path.
    I would suggest to enable you cacti log to debug level and read in the log file the results from the poller.
    As a next step try to run the check_nt command with the Counter values manually. The read counter values easily readable from within the perl script.

    best regards,

  3. John says:

    It appears this is for Naggios on Linux???? I’m pretty new to this, but where is the “check_NT” path for Cacti on Windows?

  4. Kevin says:

    With some fiddling I’ve been able to get all of these working with the exception of the delivery statistics. Looking in the poller log its not getting any data, but when I run the script from the command line it returns as expected. Any thoughts?

  5. martin says:

    Could you please explain where to find Check_NT directory. I am not able to find it in my Ubuntu box. Secondly should we change Line 30 my$CheckNTPath=’/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/’ because it says Nagios. Should I change it to a specific Cacti directory?

  6. Patrick Zambelli says:

    Hi martin,
    the plugin comunicates to the remote Windows server via NSC++ agent ( http://www.nsclient.org/nscp/wiki/NSClientServer ). This agent is the requirement to be able to access the COUTER value of the Exchange server.
    The counter part to call this agent is the “check_nt” binary that has to be placed on your cacti host.

  7. Minh says:

    Dear Patrick,

    Thanks for the script.
    I have installed on my CactiEZ to monitor the Exchange 2010 SP1 (installed NSclient x64). But I didn’t get any result on the graphs. Once I try to run command manually, I got the message below (all values are 0)

    [root@vnpdc-nms01 ~]# /usr/bin/perl /var/www/html/scripts/exchange07.pl -H -c connections
    UserCount:0 ActiveUserCount:0 ActiveConn:0

    Could you please help on this? Where is my wrong?

    Thank you in advance,

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