16. 03. 2015 Sandro Santinato NetEye

NetEye Reporting with new Top Flow Statistics and Top In/Out Flows

With the version 2.1 of our NetEye Reporting tool comming with NetEye 3.5 we introduced two new and very interesting features regarding the analysis of NetFlow statistics of your network.

First of all, for those who are not very familiar with NetFlow, it is a functionality which allows you to capture IP network traffic of your nBoxes. The traffic is collected as it comes in your network interface. Using tools like Nfdump the network flows can be exported and analyzed.

So, what we introduced in our new and innovative reporting tool was to offer you the possibility to display NetFlow statistics within the specified time frames directly on your reports. You can find these two new sections entering the edit mode of a report and adding one of them.

The Top Flow Statistics section shows you the biggest flows in a specific time frame in descending order according to the Bytes column. Additionally to the size of the flow it shows also the IP network protocol, the source and destination IP addresses and the source and destination ports. This feature lets you analyze and identify the biggest flows in that time frame, which influences most the network traffic.

Using the Top In/Out Flows section the report lets you analyze the network flows aggregated by their network protocols and ordered by their byte percentage. The section shows the aggregated flows in two line charts, one for the incoming flows and one for the outgoing ones.

Additionally it shows also the details of the aggregated flows inside two tables next to the charts ordered by their percentage of bytes, again separated in input and output flows.

Remember that if you are not happy with the predefined time periods like last 24 hour or last 7 days or also a specific month you can always use the custom time period selector which lets you choose the start and end date and time according to your specific needs.

Or you have also the possibility to specify the time periods directly inside the settings of the two new sections, which can be in almost any common format.

Sandro Santinato

Sandro Santinato

Developer at Würth Phoenix
Hi, my name is Sandro and I am the youngest member of the Neteye team. I graduated in 2013 in Applied Computer Science at the Free University of Bolzano but I started working as software engineer at Würth-Phoenix already in May 2012. My main competence is the development and improvement of the “Real User Experience” solution.For me computer programming is not just work, but i like scripting and creating my own software also in my free time. Already as a child I was amazed by computers and their technology. So at the age of 12 I bought the book “C for dummies” and started learning programming on my own 🙂 Later on I discovered the open-source world and I started loving it from the first moment.In my free time I also like mountain biking, hiking, and of course playing the trombone in various music bands.


Sandro Santinato

Hi, my name is Sandro and I am the youngest member of the Neteye team. I graduated in 2013 in Applied Computer Science at the Free University of Bolzano but I started working as software engineer at Würth-Phoenix already in May 2012. My main competence is the development and improvement of the “Real User Experience” solution.For me computer programming is not just work, but i like scripting and creating my own software also in my free time. Already as a child I was amazed by computers and their technology. So at the age of 12 I bought the book “C for dummies” and started learning programming on my own :-) Later on I discovered the open-source world and I started loving it from the first moment.In my free time I also like mountain biking, hiking, and of course playing the trombone in various music bands.

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