Blog entries by technology: OCS Inventory

28. 09. 2018 Franco Federico Asset Management, NetEye

How to Change the Default Language in OCS Inventory

OCS Inventory is part of our Asset Management module integrated into NetEye. Open Computer and Software Inventory Next Generation (OCS Inventory NG) is free software that enables users to inventory IT assets. OCS-NG collects information about the hardware and software of networked machines from the machines themselves running the OCS client program (“OCS Inventory Agent”)….

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09. 08. 2017 Giuseppe Di Garbo Asset Management, NetEye

Gestione del ciclo di vita degli asset con GLPI ed OCS Inventory

Tutti i nostri clienti che utilizzano l’asset management integrato in NetEye conoscono bene le potenzialità offerte da OCS Inventory e GLPI e dalla loro integrazione. Spesso però non tutte le funzionalità vengono sfruttate per la gestione del ciclo di vita degli asset. Tra le caratteristiche disponibili per una gestione completa del ciclo di vita degli…

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09. 08. 2017 Giuseppe Di Garbo Asset Management, NetEye

Verwaltung des gesamten Asset-Lebenszyklus in GLPI und OCS Inventory

Unsere Kunden die das Asset Management Modul von NetEye bereits verwenden, kennen das Potenzial von OCS Inventory und GLPI nur zu gut. Trotzdem kommt es vor, dass nicht alle Funktionen voll ausgenutzt werden. Besonders hervorheben möchte ich folgende Funktionen:

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09. 08. 2017 Giuseppe Di Garbo Asset Management, NetEye

Life Cycle Asset Management with GLPI and OCS Inventory

If you are using our Asset Management module integrated into NetEye, you probably already know about the potential of OCS Inventory and GLPI. However, often users are not aware of all the functionalities available in Life Cycle Asset Management. So let’s highlight some of the most important features to manage the entire life cycle of…

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30. 10. 2014 Thomas Forrer Asset Management, NetEye

OCS Inventory: Auf Benutzerebene installierte Software erfassen

Das neue Plugin für den OCS Inventory Agent ermöglicht die Erfassung lokal installierter Software. Vor Kurzem standen wir vor der Herausforderung, dass auf Microsoft Windows auch die auf Benutzerebene installierte Software der einzelnen User erfasst und aufgelistet werden sollte. Um dieser Anforderung zu entsprechen, haben wir ein neues Plugin für den OCS Inventory Agent entwickelt.

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30. 10. 2014 Thomas Forrer Asset Management, NetEye

OCS Inventory: Detect Software Installed at User Level

A new plugin for the OCS Inventory Agent allows to detect software installed at user level. We recently faced the problem of needing to detect user level installations of software on Windows operating systems. To resolve this, we’ve developed a plugin for the OCS Inventory agent.

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30. 10. 2014 Thomas Forrer Asset Management, NetEye

OCS Inventory: Registrare software installato a livello utente

Un nuovo plugin per OCS Inventory Agent ora permette il rilevamento di software installato a livello utente. Abbiamo recentemente avuto la neccessità di fare l’inventario su sistemi operativi Microsoft Windows di software installato a livello utente. Per fare in modo che questo accada è stato ideato un plugin per OCS Inventory.

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14. 05. 2014 MarinovMihail Asset Management

Integrazione tra OTRS e OCS Inventory

OTRS è un configuration management system (CSM), compatibile con gli standard descritti in ITIL© v3, che possiede un proprio CMDB per la gestione dei configuration Items (CI) coinvolti nei processi ITIL. OTRS implementa i processi di Service Asset e Configuration Management per garantire che gli asset necessari per erogare i servizi vengano propriamente controllati e…

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14. 05. 2014 MarinovMihail Asset Management, Service Management

CMDB integration between OTRS and OCS Inventory

OTRS is a configuration management system (CSM), ITIL© v3 compliant that has its own CMDB in order to manage configuration Items (CI) involved in ITIL processes. It implements the Service Asset & Configuration Management process to ensure that the assets required to deliver services are properly controlled, and that reliable information about those assets is…

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14. 05. 2014 MarinovMihail Asset Management

CMDB integration between OTRS and OCS Inventory

OTRS is a configuration management system (CSM), ITIL© v3 compliant that has its own CMDB in order to manage configuration Items (CI) involved in ITIL processes. It implements the Service Asset & Configuration Management process to ensure that the assets required to deliver services are properly controlled, and that reliable information about those assets is…

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30. 04. 2014 Tobias Goller NetEye

Software distribution con OCS Inventory

I responsabili IT spesso si trovano a dover gestire nuove installazioni, aggiornamenti o anche la rimozione di certi applicativi sui vari clients all’interno dell’infrastruttura aziendale. Se si pensa ad ambienti complessi dove i clients sono localizzati a livello globale, appare chiaro come sia necessario trovare una metodologia semplice e automatica per svolgere queste attività. L’Open…

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30. 04. 2014 Tobias Goller NetEye

Software distribution with OCS Inventory

The IT department frequently needs to manage the update, installation or even the removal of certain applications on the clients within the company. If you think to complex environments where the clients are located worldwide, it is clear that it is necessary to find a simple and automatic method to perform these activities. The Open…

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30. 04. 2014 Tobias Goller NetEye

Software Verteilung mit OCS Inventory

IT Abteilungen sorgen für Neuinstallationen von Softwareanwendungen sowie deren  Aktualisierungen innerhalb eines Unternehmens. Wenn Sie also an komplexe Umgebungen mit weltweit verteilten Clients denken, ist es augenscheinlich, dass deren Verwaltung, einer einfachen, automatisierten Methode bedarf, welche die Verteilung der Software Komponenten ermöglicht. Die Management Lösung Open Computers and Software Inventory Next Generation (kurz OCS Inventory)…

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13. 12. 2016 Davide Bizzarri Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated Package neteye-glpi-plugin-ocsinventoryng-1.1.2-4 (NetEye 3.8)

ChangeLog  Fixed Bug: Ocsng automatic task stuck after update (NG-28) If you encountered this bug after updated neteye-glpi-plugin-ocsinventoryng go to GLPI > Setup > Automatic actions and click on the action with the name ocsng. Now you will see the same page of the screenshot and if the action is still running (red box in…

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13. 12. 2016 Davide Bizzarri NetEye

Updated Package neteye-glpi-plugin-ocsinventoryng-1.1.2-4 (NetEye 3.8)

ChangeLog  Fixed Bug: Ocsng automatic task stuck after update (NG-28) If you encountered this bug after updated neteye-glpi-plugin-ocsinventoryng go to GLPI > Setup > Automatic actions and click on the action with the name ocsng. Now you will see the same page of the screenshot and if the action is still running (red box in…

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