Blog entries by technology: GLPI

25. 07. 2024 Alessandro Romboli Asset Management, NetEye

GLPI Device Discovery

Scenario GLPI is integrated into NetEye and provides powerful asset management solutions. Usually GLPI agents are deployed on servers and clients: this way an up-to-date asset inventory is kept within NetEye. The GLPI package also provides a tool able to perform network SNMP scans, detecting for example network printers, switches, and routers, as well as…

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01. 07. 2024 Mirko Morandini Asset Management, Unified Monitoring

It’s Time to Move from OCS to GLPI Agents + Exclusive GLPI News for You!

It’s been two years now since TecLib released GLPI 10, a completely redesigned version of the popular Asset Management system. It natively integrates an asset inventory server and is delivered together with inventory agents called “GLPI Agents”. These agents are available for the major operating systems, from Windows to Linux and Android. The GLPI inventory…

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04. 04. 2024 Alessandro Mizzaro Bug Fixes

Important GLPI Agent 1.7.3 Security Advisory

Type/Severity Security Advisory: High Topic There is a security update for GLPI Agent Description This version specifically fixes 2 critical security issues related to MSI packaging on Windows: For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the links listed below in the References…

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06. 12. 2023 Mirko Morandini Asset Management, Service Management

Würth Phoenix is a GLPI Gold Partner! Exclusive News from GLPI Partner Day

The popular open source software suite GLPI, an acronym for Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique, has been part of the NetEye ecosystem since its beginnings, more than 15 years ago. GLPI includes a comprehensive, pre-configured IT Asset management database, an ITIL-compliant service desk (ticketing) and feature-packed inventory agents. Within the scope of NetEye, GLPI is…

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28. 06. 2023 Andrea Mariani Asset Management, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

GLPI Remote Inventory – Part 2 (Windows)

In GLPI Remote Inventory – Part 1 I described how to perform a remote inventory of Linux machines. Here in Part 2 I’ll describe instead how to perform a remote inventory on Windows machines using the WinRM (Windows Remote Management) protocol through an HTTPS listener. In order to create and use an HTTPS Listener on…

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26. 06. 2023 Andrea Mariani Asset Management, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

GLPI Remote Inventory – Part 1 (Linux)

Since NetEye version 4.29, the GLPI module has been upgraded to version 10. With this update GLPI introduced a new feature, making it possible to perform agentless inventories. Given the wide interest regarding this new feature from many of our customers, I decided to describe the steps necessary to be able to configure, link, and…

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04. 01. 2023 Mirko Morandini Asset Management, Unified Monitoring

Using GLPI with the Metabase Open Source BI Tool for Visualizing Rich Reports and Dashboards

Asset management/CMDB tools play (or should play!) a central role in IT operations and management, gathering data from hardware assets on contracts, software licenses, network configurations, tickets and many more. The key task is to keep all this data consistent and up to date. Rigor in manual data insertion and the careful integration of automation…

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14. 06. 2021 Mirko Morandini Asset Management, Service Management

GLPI: the “Swiss army knife” of IT Management

A knife, a saw, a pair of scissors, two screwdrivers, … Having specialized tools at hand when you need them can be convenient. But all these tools together are heavy, bulky and don’t suit everyone’s pocket (budget as well as size!). That’s why the Swiss knife has had and still has such success: you get…

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11. 02. 2021 Tobias Goller Asset Management

IPTool: A New GLPI Plug-in

One of my customers, who uses GLPI very extensively for asset management, recently brought me a new request wanting a central overview of their host and IP registration. These host names and IPs are currently being maintained across various applications and tools, although GLPI is used as the central administrative application. As is so often…

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11. 01. 2021 Gianluca Piccolo Asset Management, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Use NetEye 4.15 JWT Built-in Authentication to use Fusion Inventory and GLPI

Use Case Suppose we want to trigger Fusion Inventory execution in a GLPI installation, where we can then use the Autonomous mode to import data into GLPI via a CURL request. Let’s see how JWT (JSON Web Token) can help us in NetEye 4.15. Prerequisites A NetEye 4.15 (or later) installation with the Asset module…

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30. 09. 2020 Gabriele Cecco NetEye, Service Management

GLPI – SIM Card Data Migration from Plugin to Core

Beginning with GLPI version 0.83 a very useful plugin to record SIM card data was available. The plugin was created by Walid Nouh and then updated by Anthony Piesset and Thierry Bugier Pineau, and was very convenient for keeping track of company SIM card data. In addition to the specific data of the SIM like…

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15. 07. 2020 Tobias Goller Unified Monitoring

GLPI and Ticketing

At the beginning of the year, the OCS and GLPI asset management solutions were integrated into NetEye 4. And so we have been increasingly implementing projects in this environment. In fact recently I was once again able to activate and configure a ticketing system in GLPI for a customer. It’s always amazing how easy it…

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09. 08. 2017 Giuseppe Di Garbo Asset Management, NetEye

Gestione del ciclo di vita degli asset con GLPI ed OCS Inventory

Tutti i nostri clienti che utilizzano l’asset management integrato in NetEye conoscono bene le potenzialità offerte da OCS Inventory e GLPI e dalla loro integrazione. Spesso però non tutte le funzionalità vengono sfruttate per la gestione del ciclo di vita degli asset. Tra le caratteristiche disponibili per una gestione completa del ciclo di vita degli…

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09. 08. 2017 Giuseppe Di Garbo Asset Management, NetEye

Verwaltung des gesamten Asset-Lebenszyklus in GLPI und OCS Inventory

Unsere Kunden die das Asset Management Modul von NetEye bereits verwenden, kennen das Potenzial von OCS Inventory und GLPI nur zu gut. Trotzdem kommt es vor, dass nicht alle Funktionen voll ausgenutzt werden. Besonders hervorheben möchte ich folgende Funktionen:

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09. 08. 2017 Giuseppe Di Garbo Asset Management, NetEye

Life Cycle Asset Management with GLPI and OCS Inventory

If you are using our Asset Management module integrated into NetEye, you probably already know about the potential of OCS Inventory and GLPI. However, often users are not aware of all the functionalities available in Life Cycle Asset Management. So let’s highlight some of the most important features to manage the entire life cycle of…

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