Blog Entries

26. 07. 2024 Alessandro Valentini DevOps

Bonding Configuration While Adding an OpenShift Node

When you prepare a machine for production, you usually want to use a redundant network interface in order to be resilient to possible network outages. When we created our OpenShift cluster this wasn’t possible during the installation procedure, at least not using the UPI procedure. We recently added a new node and discovered this new…

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25. 07. 2024 Alessandro Romboli Asset Management, NetEye

GLPI Device Discovery

Scenario GLPI is integrated into NetEye and provides powerful asset management solutions. Usually GLPI agents are deployed on servers and clients: this way an up-to-date asset inventory is kept within NetEye. The GLPI package also provides a tool able to perform network SNMP scans, detecting for example network printers, switches, and routers, as well as…

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24. 07. 2024 Lorenzo Candeago DevOps

How to Add SSH Keys to ArgoCD and Tekton on OpenShift to Access Gitea: Part 3 – A Simple Tekton TaskRun

In the first blog post of this series I showed you how to set up an OpenShift test environment and set up Gitea via helm chart and add an ssh key to Gitea. In the second blog post we created a deployment with ArgoCD that clones via ssh from our Gitea instance. In this final…

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23. 07. 2024 Elena Valgoi Atlassian, Knowledge Management, Service Management

Microsoft 365 for Jira – Outlook Email, Teams, Calendar

Discover how you can benefit from Microsoft 365 integration! Hello everyone! We’re happy to announce that the integration with Microsoft 365 and Jira is now available ❤ Read this article, to know how you can benefit from it 😉 🎉 🎇 Features in Jira Here’s the list of the most important features that you will…

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18. 07. 2024 Damiano Chini Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.36

We fixed a bug that caused the neteye install command to not wait for resources to restart after the procedure completed. We updated the following packages:

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17. 07. 2024 Lorenzo Candeago DevOps

How to Add SSH Keys to ArgoCD and Tekton on OpenShift to Access Gitea: Part2 – Add an SSH Key as a Secret to ArgoCD and Run a Test Deployment

In my previous post, we set up our test environment and a Gitea operator. In this blog post we’ll install the OpenShift GitOps operator and run a simple deployment. This setup allows us to test OpenShift-specific security constraints (such as OpenShift-specific SCCs, non privileged containers by default, etc.) in a test environment before going into…

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17. 07. 2024 Lorenzo Candeago DevOps

How to Add SSH Keys to ArgoCD and Tekton on OpenShift to Access Gitea: Part1 – Set up the Test Environment and Add SSH Key to Gitea

In this series of blog posts I’ll show you how to set up ArgoCD and Tekton to clone git repositories via ssh from a Gitea instance hosted on an OpenShift cluster. Please note that for the sake of this blog post, the configurations are not suited for use in production, but just to give you…

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16. 07. 2024 Beatrice Dall'Omo Blue Team, Red Team, SEC4U

Automate Business Processes with APIs: python-gvm

Have you already read this blog post Adding soar features to the soc part 1 vulnerability management? If not, you have to! It explains the SOAR features leveraged by the Würth Phoenix SOC and how we implement our Vulnerability Management process.  In this article, I’ll take a step back, focusing on what happens before the…

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09. 07. 2024 Gianluca Piccolo Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.36

We released an update for GLPI that fixes several vulnerabilities. We updated the following packages:

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08. 07. 2024 Tobias Goller Unified Monitoring

Collecting Netflows – ntopng vs. ElastiFlow

In order to be able to carry out detailed network monitoring, an IT administrator naturally wants to know what is happening in his or her network. To obtain this information, the network flows must of course be analyzed. Many network devices offer the option of creating netflows, which are sent to a recipient who can…

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05. 07. 2024 Marco Berlanda Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.36

We fixed a bug in Icingaweb2 module Tornado UI which prevented the UI from refreshing after a draft configuration was deleted. We updated the following packages:

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04. 07. 2024 Davide Sbetti Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.36

We fixed a bug in the NetEye Alyvix module related to the Multi Tenancy migration command neteye alyvix-node enable-multitenancy –all, in which we adapted the data sent by the command to the Alyvix node to comply with the latest specification of Alyvix Service. Furthermore, we fixed an issue in the update procedure which was not…

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03. 07. 2024 Marco Berlanda Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.36

We fixed a bug in Icingaweb2 module Tornado UI which made part of the testing form unreachable when multi-tenancy was enabled. We updated the following packages:

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02. 07. 2024 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Monitor the Tasks in the Windows Task Scheduler

A lot of people run regular tasks on their Windows Servers using the Windows Task Scheduler. Now it’s time to find out if these tasks run on time, within a limit, and complete successfully. This monitoring task is done over nscp.exe, so you should have NSClient++ installed along with your Icinga2 Agent. Take a look…

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02. 07. 2024 Andrea Mariani Development, NetEye

Migrating from Network Script to NetworkManager Service

In the near future NetEye will likely introduce the use of NetworkManager instead of the network scripts used so far for the configuration of network connectivity. In this blog I’d like to describe some simple steps to perform a migration to NetworkManager in case it becomes necessary to go through with the transition. Let’s look…

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