We fixed a problem for which host and service view were truncated on right side if the content of comment or custom variable with too long single string.
For NetEye 4.17 we updated the following packages:
icingaweb2, icingaweb2-vendor-zf1, icingaweb2-vendor-JShrink, icingacli, icingaweb2-vendor-lessphp, icingaweb2-vendor-HTMLPurifier, php-Icinga, icingaweb2-autosetup, icingaweb2-vendor-dompdf, icingaweb2-common, icingaweb2-vendor-Parsedown to version 2.8.2_neteye1.90.1-1
We’ve fixed an issue where the neteye satellite config send command would stop if no SSH connection was available or enabled for a satellite. Now, the command will skip those satellites, allowing configurations to continue for reachable ones, while manual Read More
We fixed a bug in Icingaweb2 module Geomap that prevented users from declustering pins, even when fully zoomed in. Now, pins that are clustered together can be separated and viewed clearly by clicking the cluster icon at max zoom level, Read More
We fixed a bug in the host and service search configuration with custom fields that generated an error if only one of the two fields was filled in. SIEM - Log Management We have resolved a bug that caused one Read More
We resolved a bug in the Elastic Agent which was causing the Elastic Agent to temporarily losing its state (namely the state.enc file) during updates. We updated the following packages: elastic-agent, elastic-agent-autosetup, elastic-agent-neteye-config, filebeat, filebeat-autosetup, filebeat-neteye-config, logstash, logstash-neteye-config, logstash-autosetup, logstash-neteye-config-autosetup, Read More
Assetmanagement - GLPI We fixed a bug for the GLPI single sign on, where every login through the SSO would write two line of updates for the user permissions to the user object history. SIEM - Log Management We resolved Read More