Blog Entries

16. 07. 2024 Beatrice Dall'Omo Blue Team, Red Team, SEC4U

Automate Business Processes with APIs: python-gvm

Have you already read this blog post Adding soar features to the soc part 1 vulnerability management? If not, you have to! It explains the SOAR features leveraged by the Würth Phoenix SOC and how we implement our Vulnerability Management process.  In this article, I’ll take a step back, focusing on what happens before the…

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16. 11. 2023 Beatrice Dall'Omo Red Team, SEC4U

Don’t Do Without EPSS: Vulnerability Prioritization

During a Vulnerability Remediation process, understanding which vulnerabilities pose a real and significant risk for an organization is not so obvious, and most of the time it involves several different aspects. It takes into consideration several factors related to available resources and time, company assets, severity, compatibility with fix methodologies, and others.  There is no…

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30. 10. 2023 Mirko Ioris Blue Team, Red Team, SEC4U

Adding SOAR Features to the SOC – Part 1: Vulnerability Management

Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR) is a set of functionalities used by the SOC team to automate security activites, improve workflow management and share threat intelligence data. Security Operation Centres (SOCs) can leverage SOAR to gain in-depth knowledge of the threats they face, trigger automatic responses to security issues and achieve better efficiency. In this…

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13. 06. 2023 Mirko Ioris Blue Team, Red Team, SEC4U

The New .zip Domains do More Harm Than Good

In this article we’ll discuss the security concerns caused by Google’s introduction of .zip domains. First things first, let’s understand what a domain is and how it’s structured. What is a domain? A domain is a text string that allows a user to access the specified web site once typed into a browser. This string…

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13. 06. 2023 Beatrice Dall'Omo Red Team, SEC4U

What We Know about the MOVEit Transfer 0-day

0-day vulnerabilities are predicted to grow more and more, posing new threats for the cybersecurity. It’s hard to predict them and when their exploit occurs, since developers and vendors are unaware of the flaw until they are actually exploited. Hence, there is no ready patch available for a 0-day vulnerability. MOVEit Transfer 0-day On May…

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07. 06. 2023 Federico Corona Red Team, SEC4U

Cracking the Code: Unveiling Data Breach Secrets through OSINT-driven Scripts

Welcome, today’s blog is dedicated to data breach analyses and evaluating their reliability. In an increasingly data-centric digital landscape, it’s crucial to delve into the complexities of data breaches and develop effective methods for determining the trustworthiness of the information they contain. In this blog, we’ll explore a professional approach to data breach analysis using…

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01. 06. 2023 Massimo Giaimo Red Team

TIBER-EU: Enhancing Cybersecurity Resilience in the Financial Sector

As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, the financial sector faces increasing risks and challenges in safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring the security of critical systems. In response to this evolving threat landscape, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) introduced a groundbreaking framework known as TIBER-EU…

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17. 03. 2023 Beatrice Dall'Omo Red Team, SEC4U

How to Set Up an Effective Phishing Campaign

In 2022, more than half of Italian companies suffered at least one email attack despite the presence of spam filters, blacklisted domains and other available solutions for blocking threats. This shows how crucial it is for companies to both test their employees’ awareness about security and invest in training. A phishing campaign includes scam emails…

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10. 01. 2023 Federico Corona Red Team, SEC4U

Red_Team_Script, a Powerful Script for Red Team Activities

Cybersecurity is a discipline that deals with protecting computer systems and digital data from attacks and security breaches. With the increasing use of technology and dependence on computer systems in everyday life, cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important. But what are the risks for those who don’t know how to protect themselves? Online security risks can…

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02. 01. 2023 Beatrice Dall'Omo Red Team, SEC4U

Focus on the noPac Attack

In December 2021 Microsoft revealed two vulnerabilities concerning an Active Directory Domain Services privilege elevation, classified as CVE-2021-42278 and CVE-2021-42287. By combining the two exploits in the so-called noPac attack, a malicious actor could perform a privilege escalation by impersonating the Domain Administrator after starting out as a standard user. This would lead to a…

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05. 08. 2022 Elena Valgoi Blue Team, Events, Exposure Assessment, Red Team


Ever heard of HackInBo? HackInBo is the main event in Italy for the cyber security community, bringing together (for almost 10 years now!) hundreds of passionate attendees for two days in Bologna…. We were there on May 27th and 28th… and it was an amazing experience! This year, and for the first time, the event…

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14. 06. 2022 Mirko Ioris Red Team, SEC4U

How People Reacted to Follina, the New 0-day

Zero-day vulnerabilities pose a serious threat in the field of cybersecurity. These flaws are usually discovered and exploited by criminals before security researchers even know of their existence. Because of this, we call them 0-day. It indicates the amount of time the “good people” have had to study and solve the problem. So if this…

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02. 07. 2021 Massimo Giaimo Red Team, SEC4U

PrintNightmare – A Good Opportunity for the Red Team

The goal of this article is to present the point of view of the Red Team SEC4U at Würth Phoenix regarding the ominous PrintNightMare vulnerability that has been talked about so much in recent days. A summary for those who did not receive hardly any information about this: it’s a weakness in the Microsoft Windows…

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