Blog Entries

14. 06. 2024 Matteo Cipolletta APM, NetEye, Real User Experience, Visual Synthetic Monitoring

The Right Monitoring Tool: Elastic Synthetic Browser Monitor vs. Alyvix

In today’s digital landscape, ensuring optimal performance and availability of applications is critical. Monitoring tools like Elastic Synthetics Journey Monitor and Alyvix offer unique capabilities tailored to diverse needs. Understanding where each tool excels can help you choose the best solution for your requirements. Elastic Synthetic Browser Monitor: Strengths and Use Cases Elastic Synthetic Browser…

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25. 03. 2024 Franco Federico APM, NetEye, Visual Synthetic Monitoring

Migration from Alyvix Server to Alyvix Service

Beginning with NetEye version 4.26, Alyvix has been fully integrated into NetEye. Currently Alyvix within NetEye is implemented as the neteye-alyvix module, and is part of our Application Performance Monitoring (APM) world. We have Elastic with all the functionality of traditional APM, and then for synthetic monitoring we have Alyvix. In the past few weeks…

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25. 09. 2023 Tobias Goller NetEye, Unified Monitoring, Visual Synthetic Monitoring

Alyvix Modules in NetEye

Today I want to report on my first experience with the new Alyvix integration in NetEye. At the same time as NetEye version 4.30, another revised update of the Alyvix module was released for NetEye. And just recently in August I had my first opportunity to install and operate this revised module together with its…

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10. 12. 2021 Franco Federico APM, NetEye, Real User Experience, Visual Synthetic Monitoring

NEP Alyvix – Ready for Use

Together with the NetEye 4.21 release, we also released NEP (an abbreviation that stands for NetEye Extension Packs) and now it’s possible to install it using the RPM present in the Official NetEye Repositories. If you are interested in this topic, I invite you to look at how these NEPs have been set up. The…

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23. 11. 2021 Juergen Vigna APM, NetEye, Visual Synthetic Monitoring

HOW-TO’s for Alyvix Server Integration into NetEye 4

We’ve already written a blog post about how to integrate Alyvix 3 and Alyvix Server into NetEye 4. Some time has passed and a few things have changed, so here are some new HOWTO’s that can make your life easier. HARD State/Soft State with the right notification sent out The first thing is that the…

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21. 12. 2020 Charles Callaway Documentation, Unified Monitoring, Visual Synthetic Monitoring

The Alyvix Video Tutorial Channel on YouTube

This year we introduced an Alyvix YouTube channel to complement the written Alyvix user guide. It now contains a number of videos that explain how to monitor specific tasks as well as explaining background knowledge about the building blocks you can use to create your own Alyvix test cases. At the end of this year…

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15. 12. 2020 Franco Federico NetEye, Visual Synthetic Monitoring

Integrating Alyvix 3 into NetEye 4

On one hand we have Alyvix 3, our visual monitoring tool for continuously tracking the user experience. We’ve also just released Alyvix 3 Server, which lets us easily schedule and administer our test cases. And we also have our NetEye monitoring system. In this blog, I’d like to show you how we can integrate all…

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16. 04. 2020 Franco Federico NetEye, Visual Synthetic Monitoring

Monitoring Users’ Online Experience when Ordering during the COVID-19 Emergency

After the government recently passed a law asking everyone to limit travel and gatherings, I decided to only shop online. I’m not alone in this – many other people decided to do this too, bringing the sites that provide these services down to their knees, since a large number of users were all trying to…

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18. 09. 2019 Omar Bertò APM, NetEye, Visual Synthetic Monitoring

AX 2012 Intermittent Inventory On-Hand Performance Monitoring and Solution using Alyvix and NetEye SAAS

One frequently noted problem in AX 2012 is the performance of inventory on-hand.  The worst part is that while the problem is known, the solutions aren’t.  You can try to solve it by guessing and poking around, but you may never discover the true underlying cause. And it’s also a bit of a naughty beast:  here today, gone…

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24. 09. 2018 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye, Visual Synthetic Monitoring

Hackthealps… Great Challenge, Well-Deserved Winners

The hackathon with the most panoramic view this week took place on the “Plan de Corones” in South Tyrol. The over-2000-meter a.s.l. event venue in the Puster Valley offered exciting development challenges, a breathtaking view within the heart of the Dolomites, and many chances to express creativity even beyond lines of code. Würth Phoenix contributed…

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27. 03. 2018 Susanne Greiner Anomaly Detection, ITOA, NetEye, Visual Synthetic Monitoring

Multi-Level Dashboarding with Grafana – Use Case: NetEye ITOA | Alyvix

Data collection is one of the key steps when you want to analyze the current state of your network, system or application in terms of performance.  Data visualization is another:  even the most sophisticated data collection cannot help you solve problems if it is visualized poorly. Nowadays a single visualization is often not enough since…

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15. 11. 2017 Sandro Santinato Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye, Visual Synthetic Monitoring

Updated Package neteye-alyvix-1.1.1-1 (for NetEye 3.11)

ChangeLog: Fixed bug where scripts which use “nagios status” to decide if start are broken (NA-6)

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09. 11. 2017 Sandro Santinato Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye, Visual Synthetic Monitoring

Updated Package for neteye-alyvix-1.1.0-2 (for NetEye 3.11)

ChangeLog: Enchancements for check_alyvix_services (NA-3) Added dependencies for exec_prog (NEPROD-148)

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09. 05. 2017 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye, Real User Experience, Service Management, Visual Synthetic Monitoring

Synthetic Application Monitoring with Alyvix

Synthetic Application Monitoring: Allows monitoring applications from the user’s point of view by simulating transaction sequences, followed by the measurement and recording of the perceived performance data. Would you like to be independent from subjective statements as “application XY is slow” or outage indications from your users? In this case, the concept of synthetic application…

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13. 12. 2016 Massimo Giaimo Events, NetEye, Real User Experience, Visual Synthetic Monitoring

Remote banking monitoring with Alyvix and NetEye

Massimo Giaimo, Senior System & Network Administrator at IBT, shares his experience with Alyvix and NetEye. What are the most recent significant changes in the application monitoring? For decades, IT departments have mainly implemented performance-monitoring strategies through the control of the uptime of the systems. Only in recent years, companies realized that is not sufficient…

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