24. 01. 2025 Juergen Vigna ITOA, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Monitoring NetApp Storage Devices over a RESTful API

NetApp® ONTAP® 9.6 and later versions include support for an expansive RESTful web services API. In comparison to an ONTAPI® application, the REST API offers a vastly simplified and workflow-driven user experience, allowing you to perform multiple operations on the storage objects with a single API. REST is the industry standard for API development, and the ONTAP REST API provides a great opportunity to automate your storage deployments.

I could basically only find the Centreon NetApp REST-API plugin which does do a number of things, but as it couldn’t do everything we needed, I had to write two more plugins. So the plugins we use now for the NetApp Monitoring are the following:

The monitoring Service Commands we use with NetEye for the above Services are the following:

  • NetApp Aggregate Status: /usr/lib/centreon/plugins/centreon_netapp_ontap_restapi.pl --api-password 'password' --api-username 'user' --hostname <hostname|ip> --insecure --mode aggregates --verbose
  • NetApp Cluster Status: /usr/lib/centreon/plugins/centreon_netapp_ontap_restapi.pl --api-password 'password' --api-username 'user' --hostname <hostname|ip> '-insecure --mode cluster --statefile-dir /neteye/shared/icinga2/data/lib/centreon-plugins --verbose
  • NetApp Hardware Health Status: /usr/lib/centreon/plugins/centreon_netapp_ontap_restapi.pl --api-password 'password' --api-username 'user' --hostname <hostname|ip> --insecure --mode hardware --verbose
  • NetApp Node Disk: /neteye/shared/monitoring/plugins/check_netapp_api_node_disk_totals.pl -H <hostname|ip> -c 90 -f -p 'password' -u 'user' -w 80
  • NetApp Node Network Status: /neteye/shared/monitoring/plugins/check_netapp_api_cluster_network.pl -H <hostname|ip> -e 'e0a|e0b' -f -p 'password' -r -u 'user' -v
  • NetApp SnapMirrors Status: /usr/lib/centreon/plugins/centreon_netapp_ontap_restapi.pl --api-password 'password' --api-username 'user' --hostname <hostname|ip> --insecure --mode snapmirrors --verbose
  • NetApp Volumes Status: /usr/lib/centreon/plugins/centreon_netapp_ontap_restapi.pl --api-password 'password' --api-username 'user' --critical-usage-prct 90 --filter-vserver-name '^(?!.*_DR).*' --hostname <hostname|ip> --insecure --mode volumes --verbose --warning-usage-prct 80

We then created some ITOA dashboards for all the performance data we get; here’s an example for the Volumes Dashboard:

So with this I guess you have all the necessary information to be able to add your own NetApp RESTful API Monitoring inside your monitoring system.

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Juergen Vigna

Juergen Vigna

NetEye Solution Architect at Würth Phoenix
I have over 20 years of experience in the IT branch. After first experiences in the field of software development for public transport companies, I finally decided to join the young and growing team of Würth Phoenix. Initially, I was responsible for the internal Linux/Unix infrastructure and the management of CVS software. Afterwards, my main challenge was to establish the meanwhile well-known IT System Management Solution WÜRTHPHOENIX NetEye. As a Product Manager I started building NetEye from scratch, analyzing existing open source models, extending and finally joining them into one single powerful solution. After that, my job turned into a passion: Constant developments, customer installations and support became a matter of personal. Today I use my knowledge as a NetEye Senior Consultant as well as NetEye Solution Architect at Würth Phoenix.


Juergen Vigna

I have over 20 years of experience in the IT branch. After first experiences in the field of software development for public transport companies, I finally decided to join the young and growing team of Würth Phoenix. Initially, I was responsible for the internal Linux/Unix infrastructure and the management of CVS software. Afterwards, my main challenge was to establish the meanwhile well-known IT System Management Solution WÜRTHPHOENIX NetEye. As a Product Manager I started building NetEye from scratch, analyzing existing open source models, extending and finally joining them into one single powerful solution. After that, my job turned into a passion: Constant developments, customer installations and support became a matter of personal. Today I use my knowledge as a NetEye Senior Consultant as well as NetEye Solution Architect at Würth Phoenix.

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