Blog Entries

03. 04. 2023 Damiano Chini Log Management, Log-SIEM, NetEye

Introducing Observability in El Proxy

If you’re familiar with the NetEye SIEM module you probably also know El Proxy, the solution integrated into NetEye to ensure the integrity and inalterability of the logs produced by the SIEM module. Since its introduction in NetEye, the only way to understand what El Proxy was doing was to inspect its logs, but as…

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02. 10. 2022 Damiano Chini APM, Development, NetEye

Implementation of Distributed Tracing in Tornado with OpenTelemetry

In a previous post we showed how Distributed Tracing and Elastic APM can help Tornado administrators track down events from their generation on Tornado Collectors to the Actions they trigger in Tornado. This blog post will be more technical and will give you an insight on how we managed to implement Distributed Tracing in Tornado…

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