Blog Entries

30. 12. 2022 Davide Gallo Contribution, NetEye, Service Management

Start Using systemd Timers instead of cron/anacron

systemd timers are a way to schedule tasks in Linux systems using the systemd initialization system. They provide finer granularity for scheduling tasks than the traditional crontab, and also ensure that the task will be executed when the system is running in the future, even if the expected execution time was missed due to the…

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10. 10. 2022 Lorenzo Candeago DevOps

My OpenShift Journey #5: Run Unprivileged Containers with systemd in OpenShift: Part 2 – Testing

In my previous blog post, we modified the boot parameters to enable cgroups v2 and the user namespace in CRI-O. In this second part I’ll show you how to run a sample container with systemd and check that the modifications we made actually worked. Setting up a Test Docker To test the new config, let’s…

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06. 10. 2022 Lorenzo Candeago DevOps

My OpenShift Journey #4: Run Unprivileged Containers with systemd in OpenShift: Part 1 – Deployment

For our ongoing transition from Jenkins to OpenShift, we’re currently working on porting our testing infrastructure to OpenShift. Our tests involve installing and running our product, NetEye, in a container. The installation requires a working systemd environment inside the container, and systemd needs to run with PID 1 and as root user (UID 0). Until…

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