01. 02. 2024 Emil Fazzi Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.33

We fixed several bugs in multiple NetEye modules. Following, you can find the details of the various bug fixes released!


Setup of a new RPM mirror

Previously missing ansible collections, which prevented the configuration of new RPM mirrors, are now shipped.

Wrong link on 404 page

We fixed the 404 link problem that was not redirecting correctly to the login page.

Neteye Satellite Setup

We added a new check during the execution of the neteye satellite setup command, to stop the procedure if it was wrongly launched on a non-Satellite Node.

Satellite creation

A bug was fixed where a Tenant with the same displayed name was not being recreated even using the --force option.

Lastly, we fixed an additional bug during Tenant creation that was failing with certain tenant names.


Reports not editable

Due to a bug that we fixed, it is now possible to edit a report that had errors in the configuration form.

Not visible Report Template in PDF

We fixed a misconfigured function that prevented the report template application during the download of the PDF version.

SIEM – Log Management

Elasticsearch external output for Elastic Agent

Since the preconfigured Elasticsearch output in Fleet by NetEye misses the NetEye CA to ensure the certificates are trusted by default from external Elastic Agents, we released a fix that allows every Elastic Agent that will connect to NetEye to automatically trust the NetEye CA.

Accessing the Stack Monitoring in Kibana

In some cases the Stack Monitoring was not accessible from Kibana’s UI in the installations featuring a voting-only node. This happened due to the requests being forwarded to the voting-only node which was missing a specific role to handle them. The issue has been fixed.

El Proxy Data Stream name for syslog logs

To improve consistency and simplify visualizations and logs discovery, the name of the Data Stream in which El Proxy writes the logs received from Logstash main pipeline has been adapted. From now on, the Data Stream name matches the Data Stream type and dataset of the corresponding logs that are not sent to El Proxy.

Disabling Netflow in Filebeat

The procedure to disable the module Netflow of Filebeat has been updated, giving the possibility to customize and disable the module without additional effort or encountering errors. The new procedure can be followed in the dedicated section of the NetEye Guide

Logstash log files rotation

We solved an issue causing log files produced by Logstash to be rotated in the wrong way. This was also causing log files to be never deleted, hence leading to the possibility of filling up Logstash partition in the long run.

Elasticsearch log files rotation

Similarly, we fixed an issue with the log rotation of Elasticsearch logs, which were previously rotated but not deleted. Similar to the fix for Logstash logs, these are now deleted after the rotation, with customizable parameters to control this phase of the clean-up procedure.

El Proxy multiple corruptions acknowledgment

We fixed an issue for which, when acknowledging multiple times the same corruption with El Proxy, this led to a duplication of the acknowledgments in Elasticsearch.

APM – User Experience

Alyvix – Test Case file selection dropdown

We fixed an issue in the Test Cases view for which, when switching between the Test Cases of different nodes, the wrong Test Case file name was shown in the relative dropdown menu.

Alyvix – Hidden Nodes session workflow status

We solved an issue for which, with certain screen resolutions, the node’s session workflow status was possibly hidden behind a button.

Alyvix – Wrongly saved workflow waiting period at session creation

Furthermore, we fixed a bug for which, when adding a new session, the workflow waiting period was incorrectly saved and replaced with the value of the Test Case waiting period.

Service Management – Incident Response

Edit Command

We enabled editing a command without specifying its description. The command description is now correctly treated as a non-mandatory parameter when editing a command.

GLPI vendors

We resolved a bug where the GLPI icingaweb2 single sign on plugin would overwrite some vendors of GLPI, resulting in unexpected errors in other parts of the GLPI application.

Command parameters

We updated the database table command_parameter to allow saving a long list of possible values. The possible_values column is now of type text.

Updated packages

We updated the following packages:

  • elastic-agent, elastic-agent-autosetup, elastic-agent-neteye-config, elastic-stack-configurator, elasticsearch, elasticsearch-autosetup, elasticsearch-neteye-config, elasticsearch-xpack-license, filebeat, filebeat-autosetup, filebeat-neteye-config, kibana, kibana-autosetup, kibana-neteye-config, logstash, logstash-autosetup, logstash-neteye-config, logstash-neteye-config-autosetup to version 8.10.2_neteye3.57.8-1
  • elastic-blockchain-proxy, elastic-blockchain-proxy-autosetup, elastic-blockchain-proxy-configurator to version 1.1.1-2
  • icingaweb2-module-alyvix, icingaweb2-module-alyvix-autosetup to version 0.42.6-1
  • icingaweb2-module-cmdorchestrator, icingaweb2-module-cmdorchestrator-autosetup and icingaweb2-module-cmdorchestrator-configurator to version 0.16.1-1
  • icingaweb2-module-neteye, icingaweb2-module-neteye-autosetup to version 1.134.1-1
  • icingaweb2 to version 2.10.5_neteye1.121.1-1
  • neteye-pulp3-mirror to version 1.2.1-1
  • neteye-ansible-containerspodman-collection to version 1.11.0_neteye1.0.0-1
  • neteye-ansible-pulpsqueezer-collection to version 0.0.14_neteye1.0.0-1
  • neteye-satellite-manager, neteye-satellite-manager to version 0.43.1-1
  • neteye-upgrade-manager to version 0.47.1-1

After updating the NetEye Master, remember to update also the DPO machine, if used, following the official procedure.

Emil Fazzi

Emil Fazzi

Software Developer, R&D Team in the "IT System & Service Management Solutions" group at Würth Phoenix.


Emil Fazzi

Software Developer, R&D Team in the "IT System & Service Management Solutions" group at Würth Phoenix.

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