Blog Entries

03. 05. 2024 Valentina Da Rold Development

Exploring Tailwind CSS: A Game-Changer in Frontend Development

In the R&D Team, it’s imperative to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to emerging technologies. One such innovation that has been making waves in the frontend community is Tailwind CSS, and we decided to adopt it in the development of the Wuerth Phoenix CTF 2024 website. In this blog post, we’ll dive…

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28. 03. 2024 Valentina Da Rold Bug Fixes, NetEye

NetEye 4 – Security Advisory

Important: GLPI Security Update Type/Severity Security Advisory: High Topic An update for the package glpi is now available for NetEye 4. NetEye Product Security has rated this update as having a security impact of High. Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base scores provide additional guidance about a vulnerability, and give a detailed severity rating. Description…

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07. 02. 2024 Valentina Da Rold Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.34

We fixed a bug in the Director module that caused the creation of a long list of created and deleted actions in the activity log, when a Tornado Smart Monitoring Action had been executed and the Icinga API returned an error. Now, if the Tornado action cannot correctly connect to the Icinga API, no log…

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19. 12. 2023 Valentina Da Rold Development, Events, NetEye

We spent a (Vue)day in Verona

We are continuously expanding our VueJs integration in NetEye, and we believe that having the opportunity to attend a dedicated conference, not far from home, was an opportunity not to be missed. So on the 10th of November, we joined the Vueday conference in Verona. Vueday is the main international conference in Italy that’s dedicated…

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18. 12. 2023 Valentina Da Rold Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.33

We have released a fix for a problem in the Tornado UI, that didn’t allow to pass multiple arguments to the script action in a rule. Updated packages We updated to version 2.4.1-1 the following packages:

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31. 10. 2023 Valentina Da Rold Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.32

We added an automatic procedure that correctly upgrades the DB schema for Icinga2. Updated packages For NetEye 4.32 we updated the following packages:

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25. 10. 2023 Valentina Da Rold Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.32

In the Tornado GUI, we fixed the behavior of the “Group Match IDX” input of the regex extractor. Updated packages For NetEye 4.32 we updated the following packages:

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24. 10. 2023 Valentina Da Rold Development, NetEye

The Configurator: Moving from a Monolithic to a Modular Approach in NetEye Upgrade

Over the last few months, I’ve had the chance to work on a number of issues that involved many NetEye modules. In all these situations, we had to face the same problem: how to release a new module version without impacting the automated NetEye upgrade procedure. Nothing new for us, but we’d like to improve…

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25. 05. 2023 Valentina Da Rold Development, NetEye

Moving from Selenium to Playwright – Part 1

In order to visually test NetEye on browsers at each stage of development and before each release, we have a continuous integration (CI) step dedicated to Selenium testing. Selenium is a longtime open-source tool for browser automation; it’s a widely-used tool with a huge community of users. The framework is capable of automating and controlling…

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27. 03. 2023 Valentina Da Rold Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.28

We fixed a bug that caused a 404 error in OCS Inventory when trying to deploy a new Build for Windows. For NetEye 4.28 we updated the following packages: We fixed the error notification colors that caused the notification card to be unreadable. For NetEye 4.28 we updated the following packages:

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18. 01. 2023 Valentina Da Rold Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.27

We fixed a bug that was doubling the menu entries for Host Problems and Service Problems on customproblemview module when a host or service filter was applied on the user role. For NetEye 4.27 we updated the following packages:

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23. 12. 2022 Valentina Da Rold Development, ITOA, NetEye

Configuring ClickHouse as an Additional Data Source in Grafana

As mentioned in my colleague Mattia’s blog, NetEye 4.27 comes with a ClickHouse database pre-installed.If you follow that post, you will be able to customize NetEye in order to save data inside a ClickHouse database. Your data is now ready to be visualized on a dashboard, and you can accomplish this by configuring the ClickHouse…

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03. 09. 2021 Valentina Da Rold Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.19

We updated Icingaweb2 to the latest bugfix. For icingaweb2 module tornado we fixed a wrong validation of the rule WHERE clause, we fixed some errors that appeared with viewer users, and finally we fixed the event type label in the test event window. For NetEye 4.19 we updated the following packages: icingacli, icingaweb2, icingaweb2-autosetup, icingaweb2-common,…

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20. 08. 2021 Valentina Da Rold Development

Research & Development – The Reorganization

As described in my previous post (Research & Development – The Spotify Model) we recently discussed the Spotify Model and various changes and improvements we could apply to our internal team organization. During our retrospectives two recurring problems popped out: long and exhausting sprint planning sessions difficulties in creating balanced sprints based on team members…

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29. 07. 2021 Valentina Da Rold Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.18

With this bugfix release, we fixed a problem related to the Logmanager verify job health-check, that randomly failed during the night check. For NetEye 4.18 we updated the following packages: icingaweb2-module-logmanager, icingaweb2-module-logmanager-autosetup to version 0.39.1-1

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