04. 02. 2025 Emil Fazzi Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.39


RPM Mirror setup

We’ve resolved an issue with RPM mirror which prevents to successfully run the neteye rpmmirror setup command due to incompatible versions of pulp-glue and pulp docker image.

Monitoring / Detection


We fixed an issue in icinga2, where the downtimes of removed monitoring objects would never be closed in the ido, resulting in the object appearing as perpetually in downtime on the SLM reports.


A misleading warning log that was leading to confusion during a possible troubleshooting session has been fixed.

Icingaweb2 Modules

We recently fixed a bug in Icingaweb2 that caused the browser to freeze when performing a search on certain modules (Tornado, Alyvix, and NagVis). After addressing the bug, the search functionality is now working smoothly across all Icingaweb2 modules, improving performance and usability.

Furthermore, we have fixed an issue related with the loading of the fonts used by the Tornado and Alyvix UI, which in case of offline usage or when the fonts source was not reachable, would have led to a slowed loading of the UI itself.

Moreover, we fixed a problem with the authorization for API requests to the icingaweb2 modules, including the self service API for the icinga director.

IT Operation Analytics


We fixed a bug that did not allow buttons in the Grafana UI to be clicked correctly.

SIEM – Log Management

SIEM Bug Fixes

We have resolved the following issues:

  • An issue related to the ownership of the folder used by the parallel upgrade procedure of the Elastic Agent
  • An issue related to a wrong Filebeat port in the /usr/share/neteye/backup/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-reindex-logs.sh script.
  • Fixed Filebeat log directory, changing the path from /var/log/messages to /neteye/shared/filebeat/log.
  • NetEye Update procedure in NetEye 4.39 would fail to restart Elasticsearch in cases where such restart was needed
  • The wrong management of kibana authentication tokens in the user session. The tokens are now deleted correctly on logout.

El Proxy Bug Fixes

We’ve resolved an issue in El Proxy where an Icinga check was failing during director deploys, causing instability. The check’s stability has now been restored for smooth director deploy operations.

Furthermore, we have increasingly restricted and refined the permissions of the Elasticsearch users used by El Proxy, and in particular those of the users elastic_blockchain_proxy_neteye and elastic_blockchain_proxy_acknowledge.

List of updated packages

To solve the aforementioned issues, the following packages have been updated:

  • elastic-agent, elastic-agent-autosetup, elastic-agent-neteye-config, filebeat, filebeat-autosetup, filebeat-neteye-config, logstash, logstash-neteye-config, logstash-autosetup, logstash-neteye-config-autosetup, kibana, kibana-autosetup, kibana-neteye-config, elasticsearch, elasticsearch-autosetup, elasticsearch-neteye-config, elasticsearch-xpack-license to version 8.16.0_neteye3.69.8-1
  • elastic-blockchain-proxy, elastic-blockchain-proxy-autosetup, elastic-blockchain-proxy-configurator to version 1.6.2-1
  • icinga2, icinga2-neteye-config, icinga2-autosetup, icinga2-resources, icinga2-bin, icinga2-selinux, icinga2-ido-mysql, nano-icinga2, icinga2-common, vim-icinga2, icinga2-configurator, icinga2-ido-pgsql to version 2.14.3_neteye1.55.3-1
  • icingaweb2-module-nagvis, icingaweb2-module-nagvis-autosetup to version 1.1.1_neteye1.4.1-1
  • icingaweb2, icingaweb2-autosetup, icingaweb2-common, icingaweb2-configurator to version 2.10.5_neteye1.134.3-2
  • icingaweb2-module-tornado, icingaweb2-module-tornado-autosetup, icingaweb2-module-tornado-configurator to version 2.19.9-1
  • icingaweb2-module-alyvix, icingaweb2-module-alyvix-autosetup, icingaweb2-module-alyvix-configurator to version 1.0.5-1
  • icingaweb2-module-kibana, icingaweb2-module-kibana-autosetup to version 1.26.2-1
  • neteye-pulp3-mirror to version 1.3.2-1
  • tornado, tornado-autosetup, tornado-common, tornado-dto, tornado-input-validation, tornado-neteye-config, tornado-regex-validation and tornado-rsyslog-collector to version 1.33.2-1
Emil Fazzi

Emil Fazzi

Software Developer, R&D Team in the "IT System & Service Management Solutions" group at Würth Phoenix.


Emil Fazzi

Software Developer, R&D Team in the "IT System & Service Management Solutions" group at Würth Phoenix.

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