Blog Entries

09. 03. 2020 Enrico Alberti Log-SIEM, NetEye

Store Years of NetFlow Historical Data with Elastic Rollup on NetEye 4.9

Keeping historical data around for analysis is extremely useful but often avoided due to the financial cost of archiving massive amounts of data. Retention periods are thus driven by financial realities rather than by the usefulness of extensive historical data. The Elastic Stack data rollup features provide a means to summarize and store historical data…

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22. 08. 2019 Luca Buonocunto ITOA

Understand Data If You Want to Visualize Data

Have you ever thought that the New York Times on an average Sunday contains more information than a Renaissance-era person had access to in his entire lifetime? (Richard Saul Wurman – Information Anxiety) This is what we mean by information overload, and it is especially true when dealing with IT. Performing sophisticated data analysis no…

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13. 05. 2019 Luca Buonocunto ITOA, NetEye

Creating Effective Dashboards

While working with Alyvix and NetEye as a Project manager for several companies, I have found that very often simplicity can make the difference, and in my opinion this is especially true for Dashboards. It is definitely a good idea to rely on dashboards in order to make sense out of your company’s data, but…

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28. 06. 2018 Roberto Palmarin ITOA, NetEye

Measure, Measure, Measure… and then Decide

Before making decisions it’s good practice to gather data. Important data, I should say. In this post I will propose how to use Telegraf to gather that data. Telegraf is open source software that allows you to gather raw data (metrics) from your configured plugins and then forward them to the destination of your choice…

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