Blog Entries

26. 09. 2017 Patrick Zambelli Capacity Management, Nagios, Nagios Plugins, NetEye

Monitorare il traffico di rete su Hyper-V non è più un problema

Il monitoraggio del traffico di rete sui dispositivi di rete si basa tradizionalmente sulle query SNMP. Attraverso comandi predefiniti questo protocollo riesce a generare le statistiche per la trasmissione di pacchetti di dati da una o più interfacce di rete. Mentre le query sui dispositivi di rete vengono ancora eseguite tramite SNMP, nell’area dei server Microsoft…

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26. 09. 2017 Patrick Zambelli NetEye, Predictive Analysis, Unified Monitoring

Hyper-V monitoring: Here’s some tips!

Network traffic monitoring is traditionally based on SNMP queries. This protocol generates statistics on the transmission of data across one or more network interfaces. While network device queries still run through SNMP, using Microsoft Hyper-V monitoring requires the adoption of other approaches. One of the reasons is the network connection configuration itself: for example, many…

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22. 10. 2010 Thomas Forrer NetEye

ROI calculation made easy

Everyone is talking about ROI, but when it comes to really quantify the investment and its return, some get in difficulty. However, you don’t need to get a finance MBA to be able to do this kind of thing. Just divide the net profit amount by total investment amount. The resulting amount would be your…

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