24. 02. 2011 Luca Di Stefano NetEye

NetEye: Qui custodiet custodes

Chi controlla i controllori?Con questo non voglio certo discutere come Giovenale sui costumi romani, ma presentare un nuovo strumento che darà maggior sicurezza all’appliance NetEye.La nuova funzionalità si occupa di tenere sotto controllo lo stato di NetEye. Qualora l’Appliance non desse più segni di vita, si attiva in automatico l’invio di SMS di emergenza per segnalare la disfunzione.

Ovviamente, per poter essere efficace, questo meccanismo (watchdog) non può risiedere sull’Appliance NetEye stesso. Il watchdog è attivo nel SMS Gateway box e lavora autonomamente.
NetEye effettua continuamente dei ping verso l’SMS Gateway attraverso la porta seriale, quando quest’ultimo non riceve più ping, invia gli SMS ai numeri di telefono preventivamente configurati.

Nel caso in cui venga a mancare l’alimentazione anche al SMS Gateway, non sarà possibile effettuare la notifica 😉

Gli SMS Gateway di nuova generazione hanno preinstallata questa funzionalità. Per i gateway installati prima del 24/02/2011 si può richiederne l’installazione.
SMS Gateway

SMS Gateway

Luca Di Stefano

Luca Di Stefano

Solution Architect at Würth Phoenix
Hi everyone, I’m Luca, graduated in electrical engineering from the University of Bologna. I am employed by Würth Phoenix since its foundation. I worked mainly as enterprise architect and quality assurance engineer. Previously I was involved in systems measurement and embedded systems programming. I have gained experience on Unix (Solaris, HPUX), Windows, and C, C + +, Java. I personally contribute to the Open Source community as beta tester and developer. During my spare time I love piloting airplanes fly over the beautiful Alps. I practice many sports: tennis, broomball, skiing, alpine skiing, volleyball, soccer, mountain biking, middle distance, none have a sample but the competition excites me! I love hiking, tracking and traveling.


Luca Di Stefano

Hi everyone, I’m Luca, graduated in electrical engineering from the University of Bologna. I am employed by Würth Phoenix since its foundation. I worked mainly as enterprise architect and quality assurance engineer. Previously I was involved in systems measurement and embedded systems programming. I have gained experience on Unix (Solaris, HPUX), Windows, and C, C + +, Java. I personally contribute to the Open Source community as beta tester and developer. During my spare time I love piloting airplanes fly over the beautiful Alps. I practice many sports: tennis, broomball, skiing, alpine skiing, volleyball, soccer, mountain biking, middle distance, none have a sample but the competition excites me! I love hiking, tracking and traveling.

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