06. 08. 2014 Juergen Vigna Configuration Management, NetEye, Non categorizzato

Nuovo: Service Clone Tool – NetEye 3.5

Amministratori che sono incaricati a gestire una rete composta da un numero elevato di hosts, corrono il rischio di perdere parecchio tempo quando devono configurare lo stesso servizio su più hosts. Per facilitare la vita degli amministratori IT in questo ambito specifico abbiamo implementato una nuova funzionalità nella configurazione NetEye. Il cosiddetto “Service Clone Tool” permette la riproduzione semplificata di servizi su uno o più hosts.

NetEye Configuration - Service Clone Tool

NetEye Configuration – Service Clone Tool

Nel caso che un servizio venga modificato, con il nuovo tool potete direttamente trasferire la modifica effettuata su tutti (o alcuni hosts) che gestiscono il servizio in oggetto. In caso che vengano effettuate più modifiche di un unico servizio, può essere selezionato quali di esse debbano essere duplicate su quale host.

NetEye Configuration - Service - Apply Hosts

NetEye Configuration – Service – Apply Hosts

Qui, potete inoltre vedere quali campi del servizio gestito in questo momento, non coincidono con le impostazioni generali (nuovi).

Juergen Vigna

Juergen Vigna

NetEye Solution Architect at Würth Phoenix
I have over 20 years of experience in the IT branch. After first experiences in the field of software development for public transport companies, I finally decided to join the young and growing team of Würth Phoenix. Initially, I was responsible for the internal Linux/Unix infrastructure and the management of CVS software. Afterwards, my main challenge was to establish the meanwhile well-known IT System Management Solution WÜRTHPHOENIX NetEye. As a Product Manager I started building NetEye from scratch, analyzing existing open source models, extending and finally joining them into one single powerful solution. After that, my job turned into a passion: Constant developments, customer installations and support became a matter of personal. Today I use my knowledge as a NetEye Senior Consultant as well as NetEye Solution Architect at Würth Phoenix.


Juergen Vigna

I have over 20 years of experience in the IT branch. After first experiences in the field of software development for public transport companies, I finally decided to join the young and growing team of Würth Phoenix. Initially, I was responsible for the internal Linux/Unix infrastructure and the management of CVS software. Afterwards, my main challenge was to establish the meanwhile well-known IT System Management Solution WÜRTHPHOENIX NetEye. As a Product Manager I started building NetEye from scratch, analyzing existing open source models, extending and finally joining them into one single powerful solution. After that, my job turned into a passion: Constant developments, customer installations and support became a matter of personal. Today I use my knowledge as a NetEye Senior Consultant as well as NetEye Solution Architect at Würth Phoenix.

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