12. 09. 2023 Lorenzo Candeago DevOps

How to Convert and Add a .pfx cert to Pulp 3 Operator

On our OpenShift cluster we use pulp3 as the repository manager.

One recent task we had to do was to add a certificate before we could expose the repository over TLS. Our IT department provided us with the certificate in .pfx format.

Following this guide for converting the certificate to a format usable by OpenShift, we first extracted the key from the .pfx file using openssl. Pulp Operator requires the certificate and the key to be stored in a secret and the key to be decrypted:

# openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in ./pulp3.apps.rdopenshift.si.wp.lan_exp2028.pfx --out pulp3.apps.rdopenshift.si.wp.lan_exp2028.key

Next we wanted to extract the public certificate. Note that we include the full chain (-chain ) and extract only the client cert (-clcerts):

# openssl pkcs12  -clcerts -nokeys -chain -in ./pulp3.apps.rdopenshift.si.wp.lan_exp2028.pfx --out pulp3.apps.rdopenshift.si.wp.lan_exp2028.crt

If we use a custom CA, we can extract that too from the .pfx file:

# openssl pkcs12  -cacerts -nokeys -chain -in ./pulp3.apps.rdopenshift.si.wp.lan_exp2028.pfx --out pulp3.apps.rdopenshift.si.wp.lan_exp2028-ca.crt

The next step is to decrypt the key:

# openssl rsa -in pulp3.apps.rdopenshift.si.wp.lan_exp2028.key -out pulp3.apps.rdopenshift.si.wp.lan_exp2028-decrypted.key

Now we can finally create the secret:

oc create secret generic pulp3-route-certs --from-file=certificate=../pulp3.apps.rdopenshift.si.wp.lan_exp2028.crt --from-file=key=../pulp3.apps.rdopenshift.si.wp.lan_exp2028-decrypted.key --from-file=caCertificate=pulp3.apps.rdopenshift.si.wp.lan_exp2028-ca.crt
secret/pulp3-route-certs created

And add the secret to the Pulp Operator Custom Resource yaml:

    route_tls_secret: pulp3-route-certs

We can now verify that the Operator uses the correct certificates by checking the certificate exposed by the Operator route:

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Lorenzo Candeago

Lorenzo Candeago

DevOps Engineer at Würth Phoenix


Lorenzo Candeago

DevOps Engineer at Würth Phoenix

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