Blog Entries

24. 07. 2024 Lorenzo Candeago DevOps

How to Add SSH Keys to ArgoCD and Tekton on OpenShift to Access Gitea: Part 3 – A Simple Tekton TaskRun

In the first blog post of this series I showed you how to set up an OpenShift test environment and set up Gitea via helm chart and add an ssh key to Gitea. In the second blog post we created a deployment with ArgoCD that clones via ssh from our Gitea instance. In this final…

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17. 07. 2024 Lorenzo Candeago DevOps

How to Add SSH Keys to ArgoCD and Tekton on OpenShift to Access Gitea: Part2 – Add an SSH Key as a Secret to ArgoCD and Run a Test Deployment

In my previous post, we set up our test environment and a Gitea operator. In this blog post we’ll install the OpenShift GitOps operator and run a simple deployment. This setup allows us to test OpenShift-specific security constraints (such as OpenShift-specific SCCs, non privileged containers by default, etc.) in a test environment before going into…

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17. 07. 2024 Lorenzo Candeago DevOps

How to Add SSH Keys to ArgoCD and Tekton on OpenShift to Access Gitea: Part1 – Set up the Test Environment and Add SSH Key to Gitea

In this series of blog posts I’ll show you how to set up ArgoCD and Tekton to clone git repositories via ssh from a Gitea instance hosted on an OpenShift cluster. Please note that for the sake of this blog post, the configurations are not suited for use in production, but just to give you…

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24. 05. 2024 Alessandro Valentini DevOps

OpenShift: How to Check and Reset Ceph Storage in Warning State

Every so often it may happen (in particular after a cluster update or hardware issues) that you see your storage in a warning state on OpenShift. The first thing to do is to check what’s wrong with your cluster: sometimes you may have a real issue, in other cases it may just be a temporary…

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24. 12. 2023 Damiano Chini Development, DevOps, NetEye

How We Want to Avoid Breaking the NetEye User Guide (Again)

A few months ago while navigating through our NetEye User Guide we noticed that it had a small bug that caused some words in the right-side menu to be slightly truncated in the particular case where that menu contained some monospace characters. Well, since this was quite annoying, we fixed it on the fly with…

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01. 12. 2023 Alessandro Valentini Development, DevOps

How to Install Matomo on OpenShift

Recently we felt the need to collect anonymous metrics about how our users are visiting our websites. After some investigation, the development team proposed using Matomo: a free and open source software project which collects usage metrics while guaranteeing 100% privacy alongside the chance to be self-hosted. We decided to install it on OpenShift, since…

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28. 11. 2023 Alessandro Valentini DevOps

My OpenShift Journey #7: Enabling Persistent Monitoring

Some days after installing an OpenShift cluster you may notice a warning related to insights: the system is complaining because metrics are not stored in a persistent way and a restart of the container may cause the loss of metrics. In OpenShift it is possible to configure several custom metrics. In this post I will…

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30. 10. 2023 Lorenzo Candeago DevOps

How to Fix OpenShift Console not Showing the Characters in Firefox

Recently when opening a console in the web-ui of OpenShift in Firefox, I saw the following: This doesn’t happen when opening the console using Chromium. In the Firefox debugger, we can see that we have the following error: The error is due to a strict Firefox privacy setting that prevents characters from being loaded. To…

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12. 09. 2023 Lorenzo Candeago DevOps

How to Convert and Add a .pfx cert to Pulp 3 Operator

On our OpenShift cluster we use pulp3 as the repository manager. One recent task we had to do was to add a certificate before we could expose the repository over TLS. Our IT department provided us with the certificate in .pfx format. Following this guide for converting the certificate to a format usable by OpenShift,…

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25. 08. 2023 Lorenzo Candeago DevOps

Debug and Workarounds for a Stuck Update on OpenShift 4.13.6

Today we wanted to update our OpenShift cluster, and after a while we came up against the following error: Not good… Let’s start by checking the clusterversion to investigate if we can find any errors: By analyzing the logs further we found the following error: it seems like the openshift-etcd-operator is not able to deploy…

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18. 07. 2023 Alessandro Valentini DevOps

My OpenShift Journey #6: Pipelining Part II

In my previous blog-post I wrote an introduction to pipelining in OpenShift. This blog post is a follow-up to explain how to trigger a pipeline automatically. Tekton triggers are quite complex and need some explanation in order to be understood. To trigger a pipeline you need several components. In the graph below you can see…

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17. 07. 2023 Alessandro Valentini DevOps

My OpenShift Journey #6: Pipelining Part I

It’s been a while since my last blog post about our OpenShift journey since as a devops team, we’ve been focusing on other activities for a while. Today I’d like to talk a bit about how to use OpenShift for CI purposes. As described in our productive use case, we implemented several pipelines to build…

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06. 04. 2023 Alessandro Valentini DevOps, NetEye

A Productive OpenShift Use Case: NetEye User Guide

In December 2022 we decided to completely restructure the code of our User Guide. Previously, each project contained its own documentation, but this led to very difficult and time-consuming development having the code scattered across more than 40 repositories. Furthermore our contributors are not necessarily NetEye developers, or even developers at all. Setting up a…

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10. 10. 2022 Lorenzo Candeago DevOps

My OpenShift Journey #5: Run Unprivileged Containers with systemd in OpenShift: Part 2 – Testing

In my previous blog post, we modified the boot parameters to enable cgroups v2 and the user namespace in CRI-O. In this second part I’ll show you how to run a sample container with systemd and check that the modifications we made actually worked. Setting up a Test Docker To test the new config, let’s…

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06. 10. 2022 Lorenzo Candeago DevOps

My OpenShift Journey #4: Run Unprivileged Containers with systemd in OpenShift: Part 1 – Deployment

For our ongoing transition from Jenkins to OpenShift, we’re currently working on porting our testing infrastructure to OpenShift. Our tests involve installing and running our product, NetEye, in a container. The installation requires a working systemd environment inside the container, and systemd needs to run with PID 1 and as root user (UID 0). Until…

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