Blog Entries

30. 03. 2022 Davide Gallo NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Log off an RDP User Session through the NetEye Command Orchestrator Part 2

In our previous post we discussed how to handle RD users using CMDO, focusing on the scripts needed to obtain a unique identifier for each users in the RD Farm. In this post I want to focus on how to create the CMDO commands and set their permissions correctly. Our user caseAs an admin I…

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15. 02. 2022 Alessandro Romboli NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Log off an RDP User Session through the NetEye Command Orchestrator

ScenarioIn a Microsoft Remote Desktop environment, it’s a common need to force the logoff of a hanged user session. The NetEye Command Orchestrator (CMDO) can help us perform this task by executing remote commands through the Icinga2 agent API. There’s a security limitation built into the Command Orchestrator which allows only numeric parameters for executed…

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