09. 04. 2015 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package neteye-eventhandler-1.3.6-1


  • API: add possibility for custom Actions
  • API: custom Nagios livestatus socket
  • Added /var/log/neteye/eventhandler-web.log in order to debug testing in webui
  • EventConsole Action:
  • increase “set severity minutes” attribute max value to 60 * 24 * 365
  • increase “autoclose cycles” attribute max value to 1000
  • fix bug in EventConsole Action that prevented correct inserting of events
  • fix apache configuration that permits access to a natted http (with different port as 80)
  • fix messageconsole action migration from traphandler
  • fix setting of traphandle setting when another setting was choosen
  • fix bug: handle lines with empty values in traps
  • fix bug: Ticket #3: heartbeat traps without matched variables- MONITORINGHOST var is set to:
  1. search if HOSTIP is present in address, if not
  2. search if TRAPHOST is present in address, if not
  3. search if SIMPLEHOSTNAME is present in address
  4. if all fails, set TRAPHOST
Thomas Forrer

Thomas Forrer

Team Leader Research & Development at Würth Phoenix
Hi folks! I began loving computer since 1994, it was still the time of windows 3.1. Immediately I learned starting DOS games from the command promt, and while typing some white text on black background I felt like some hackish dude in a hollywoodian movie. Later during the studies at the university, I discovered the magic world of opensource, and it was love at first sight. Finally I got rid of BSOD's =) I love everything that is connected to some network, especially in a security perspective. My motto is: "With motivation, nothing is impossibile. It only requires more time."


Thomas Forrer

Hi folks! I began loving computer since 1994, it was still the time of windows 3.1. Immediately I learned starting DOS games from the command promt, and while typing some white text on black background I felt like some hackish dude in a hollywoodian movie. Later during the studies at the university, I discovered the magic world of opensource, and it was love at first sight. Finally I got rid of BSOD's =) I love everything that is connected to some network, especially in a security perspective. My motto is: "With motivation, nothing is impossibile. It only requires more time."

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