Blog Entries

21. 12. 2020 Charles Callaway Documentation, Unified Monitoring, Visual Synthetic Monitoring

The Alyvix Video Tutorial Channel on YouTube

This year we introduced an Alyvix YouTube channel to complement the written Alyvix user guide. It now contains a number of videos that explain how to monitor specific tasks as well as explaining background knowledge about the building blocks you can use to create your own Alyvix test cases. At the end of this year…

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15. 12. 2020 Franco Federico NetEye, Visual Synthetic Monitoring

Integrating Alyvix 3 into NetEye 4

On one hand we have Alyvix 3, our visual monitoring tool for continuously tracking the user experience. We’ve also just released Alyvix 3 Server, which lets us easily schedule and administer our test cases. And we also have our NetEye monitoring system. In this blog, I’d like to show you how we can integrate all…

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