12. 08. 2014 Nicola Degara Uncategorized

Nuovo: EriZone

La versione EriZone ( é disponibile:

La versione nuova contiene una serie di major fixes ed i miglioramenti seguenti:

  • TicketTo Process
  • Split of column From/Titolo nel ticket overview
  • Autotime unit counter
  • Interfaccia customer responsive per Internet Explorer 8

L’ aggiornamento dei pacchetti va eseguito RIGIDAMENTE con la seguente sequenza (cliccando le voci elencate nella colonna ACTION)

  1. EriZone
  2. EriZoneCore
  3. EriZoneServiceDeskEnhancement
  4. EriZoneAccessManagement
  5. EriZoneNetEyeIntegration [Optional – if necessary]
  6. EriZoneDeveloper [Do not install!]

Inoltre è da considerare che:

  • I pacchetti vanno installati in sequenza e singolarmente.
  • Il sistema potrebbe impiegarci tempi più o meno lunghi per ogni azione/pacchetto.
  • I pulsanti di azione vanno cliccati esclusivamente una sola volta per il buon esito delle operazioni.

[box type=”warning”] ATTENZIONE: Dopo l’upgrade dovete effettuare: /opt/otrs/scripts/EriZone/erizone.global_makelink /opt/otrs/scripts/EriZone/Permissions.sh /opt/otrs/scripts/EriZone/RestartEriZone.sh[/box]

Nicola Degara

Nicola Degara

Technical Consulting and Delivery Team Manager at @ Würth Phoenix
My name is Nicola Degara and I work as Consulting and Delivery Team Leader. With a technical developer background, I am in the IT field since the nineties. After more than 6 years’ experience as director of an international software development company in Shanghai I have been embracing, once back to Europe, the dynamic NetEye experience and philosophy in combination with international Atlassian product projects. My strong conviction towards the Open Source supports and continues to influence any reasons of my daily choices and future visions


Nicola Degara

My name is Nicola Degara and I work as Consulting and Delivery Team Leader. With a technical developer background, I am in the IT field since the nineties. After more than 6 years’ experience as director of an international software development company in Shanghai I have been embracing, once back to Europe, the dynamic NetEye experience and philosophy in combination with international Atlassian product projects. My strong conviction towards the Open Source supports and continues to influence any reasons of my daily choices and future visions

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