21. 12. 2018 Giuseppe Di Garbo ITOA, NetEye, Service Management

How to Back Up All of Your Grafana Dashboards

Grafana has become one of the most used modules of NetEye.  As many of you know, it’s very easy to export and import individual Grafana dashboards using the existing export functionality via JSON. [1]

Unfortunately, there is no quick and easy way to export all dashboards and data sources at once and then implement a process to back them up.

In my recent consulting projects, I needed to do just that and found an open source project available on GitHub[2]called grafana-backup-toolthat answers precisely this need.  In this post I will show you how to use these scripts with NetEye.



The requirements are as follows:

  • Python 2.7 (with the Requests library)
  • A Grafana 3.0 API token

To check whether it is already available on your system, or if you need to install python 2.7 and the python-requestspackages, just use the following yum command:

# yum install python27-python python-requests

Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security

Setting up Install Process

Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile

Package python27-python-2.7.13-3.el6.x86_64 already installed and latest version

Package python-requests-2.6.0-4.el6.noarch already installed and latest version

Nothing to do

Beginning with version 3.0, Grafana allows authentication via an API token. [3] To create an API key, open the side menu, click the Configuration dropdown and select the API Keys option.

Create a user as in the example below. The Viewer roleis sufficient to back up dashboards.  For a full backup of both dashboards and data sources, the Admin role is required.

Save the generated API key displayed in the popup window.

Configuration and Use of grafana-backup-tool

After downloading the backup tool, you will need to configure the graphanaSettings.pyfile by adjusting the following two parameters:

  1. GRAFANA_URL (for NetEye, you must use the following local URL:
  2. GRAFANA_TOKEN (use the API token you created above)

Here is an example of a grafanaSettings.pyconfiguration:

import os

grafana_url = os.getenv(‘GRAFANA_URL’, ‘‘)

token = os.getenv(‘GRAFANA_TOKEN’, ‘eyJrIjoiaXBWNHRUSm5sRmJYeDNxdkE0VWZmSDg1eExKWFlQU0siLDJuIjoiYmF3a3awX2FwaV91c2VyIiwiaWQiOjF9’)

http_get_headers = {‘Authorization’: ‘Bearer ‘ + token}

http_post_headers = {‘Authorization’: ‘Bearer ‘ + token, ‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’}

We have finished the most difficult part, now we just have to try the script. Here are some simple usage examples, which are well documented on the project’s website.[2]

Using saveDashboards.pyto save each dashboard as a separate file in a specific folder

# python saveDashboards.py /tmp/grafana-backup/
search dashboard in grafana:
There are 15 dashboards:
All Services of a Host
Apache Logs
Availability Dashboard
Availability Details Dashboard
Business Process Overview
LAMP Apache Metrics
LAMP Apache Metrics v2
LAMP Linux OS Metrics
LAMP MySQL Metrics
LAMP Performance Overview
Network Analysis
Performance Data
Tactical Monitoring Overview
Windows Systems Overview


dashboard:All Services of a Host are saved to /tmp/grafana-backup//All Services of a Host.dashboard
query dashboard:db/apache-logs, status:200
dashboard:Apache Logs are saved to /tmp/grafana-backup//Apache Logs.dashboard
query dashboard:db/availability-dashboard, status:200
dashboard:Availability Dashboard are saved to /tmp/grafana-backup//Availability Dashboard.dashboard
query dashboard:db/availability-details-dashboard, status:200
dashboard:Availability Details Dashboard are saved to /tmp/grafana-backup//Availability Details Dashboard.dashboard
query dashboard:db/business-process-overview, status:200
dashboard:Business Process Overview are saved to /tmp/grafana-backup//Business Process Overview.dashboard
query dashboard:db/lamp-apache-metrics, status:200
dashboard:LAMP Apache Metrics are saved to /tmp/grafana-backup//LAMP Apache Metrics.dashboard
query dashboard:db/lamp-apache-metrics-v2, status:200
dashboard:LAMP Apache Metrics v2 are saved to /tmp/grafana-backup//LAMP Apache Metrics v2.dashboard
query dashboard:db/lamp-linux-os-metrics, status:200
dashboard:LAMP Linux OS Metrics are saved to /tmp/grafana-backup//LAMP Linux OS Metrics.dashboard
query dashboard:db/lamp-mysql-metrics, status:200
dashboard:LAMP MySQL Metrics are saved to /tmp/grafana-backup//LAMP MySQL Metrics.dashboard
query dashboard:db/lamp-performance-overview, status:200
dashboard:LAMP Performance Overview are saved to /tmp/grafana-backup//LAMP Performance Overview.dashboard
query dashboard:db/network-analysis, status:200
dashboard:Network Analysis are saved to /tmp/grafana-backup//Network Analysis.dashboard
query dashboard:db/performance-data, status:200
dashboard:Performance Data are saved to /tmp/grafana-backup//Performance Data.dashboard
query dashboard:db/tactical-monitoring-overview, status:200
dashboard:Tactical Monitoring Overview are saved to /tmp/grafana-backup//Tactical Monitoring Overview.dashboard
query dashboard:db/test, status:200
dashboard:Test are saved to /tmp/grafana-backup//Test.dashboard
query dashboard:db/windows-systems-overview, status:200
dashboard:Windows Systems Overview are saved to /tmp/grafana-backup//Windows Systems Overview.dashboard

Using saveDatasources.pyto save each data source as a separate file in a specific folder

# python saveDatasources.py /tmp/grafana-backup/

search datasources in grafana:

There are 9 datasources:

datasource:erizone is saved to /tmp/grafana-backup//erizone.datasource

datasource:glpi is saved to /tmp/grafana-backup//glpi.datasource

datasource:monitoring_availability is saved to /tmp/grafana-backup//monitoring_availability.datasource

datasource:monitoring_outages is saved to /tmp/grafana-backup//monitoring_outages.datasource

datasource:monitoring_perfdata is saved to /tmp/grafana-backup//monitoring_perfdata.datasource

datasource:neteye is saved to /tmp/grafana-backup//neteye.datasource

datasource:netflow is saved to /tmp/grafana-backup//netflow.datasource

datasource:perfdata is saved to /tmp/grafana-backup//perfdata.datasource

datasource:thruk is saved to /tmp/grafana-backup//thruk.datasource


Use backup_grafana.shto back up all your dashboards, data sources and folders to the /tmp folder

[root@neteye grafana-backup-tool]# ./backup_grafana.sh


search dashboard in grafana:

There are 15 dashboards:

All Services of a Host

Apache Logs

Availability Dashboard

Availability Details Dashboard

Business Process Overview

LAMP Apache Metrics

LAMP Apache Metrics v2

LAMP Linux OS Metrics

LAMP MySQL Metrics

LAMP Performance Overview

Network Analysis

Performance Data

Tactical Monitoring Overview


Windows Systems Overview


query dashboard:db/all-services-of-a-host, status:200

dashboard:All Services of a Host are saved to /tmp/dashboards/2018-12-19_16:24:08/All Services of a Host.dashboard

query dashboard:db/apache-logs, status:200

dashboard:Apache Logs are saved to /tmp/dashboards/2018-12-19_16:24:08/Apache Logs.dashboard

query dashboard:db/availability-dashboard, status:200

dashboard:Availability Dashboard are saved to /tmp/dashboards/2018-12-19_16:24:08/Availability Dashboard.dashboard

query dashboard:db/availability-details-dashboard, status:200

dashboard:Availability Details Dashboard are saved to /tmp/dashboards/2018-12-19_16:24:08/Availability Details Dashboard.dashboard

query dashboard:db/business-process-overview, status:200

dashboard:Business Process Overview are saved to /tmp/dashboards/2018-12-19_16:24:08/Business Process Overview.dashboard

query dashboard:db/lamp-apache-metrics, status:200

dashboard:LAMP Apache Metrics are saved to /tmp/dashboards/2018-12-19_16:24:08/LAMP Apache Metrics.dashboard

query dashboard:db/lamp-apache-metrics-v2, status:200

dashboard:LAMP Apache Metrics v2 are saved to /tmp/dashboards/2018-12-19_16:24:08/LAMP Apache Metrics v2.dashboard

query dashboard:db/lamp-linux-os-metrics, status:200

dashboard:LAMP Linux OS Metrics are saved to /tmp/dashboards/2018-12-19_16:24:08/LAMP Linux OS Metrics.dashboard

query dashboard:db/lamp-mysql-metrics, status:200

dashboard:LAMP MySQL Metrics are saved to /tmp/dashboards/2018-12-19_16:24:08/LAMP MySQL Metrics.dashboard

query dashboard:db/lamp-performance-overview, status:200

dashboard:LAMP Performance Overview are saved to /tmp/dashboards/2018-12-19_16:24:08/LAMP Performance Overview.dashboard

query dashboard:db/network-analysis, status:200

dashboard:Network Analysis are saved to /tmp/dashboards/2018-12-19_16:24:08/Network Analysis.dashboard

query dashboard:db/performance-data, status:200

dashboard:Performance Data are saved to /tmp/dashboards/2018-12-19_16:24:08/Performance Data.dashboard

query dashboard:db/tactical-monitoring-overview, status:200

dashboard:Tactical Monitoring Overview are saved to /tmp/dashboards/2018-12-19_16:24:08/Tactical Monitoring Overview.dashboard

query dashboard:db/test, status:200

dashboard:Test are saved to /tmp/dashboards/2018-12-19_16:24:08/Test.dashboard

query dashboard:db/windows-systems-overview, status:200

dashboard:Windows Systems Overview are saved to /tmp/dashboards/2018-12-19_16:24:08/Windows Systems Overview.dashboard


search datasources in grafana:

There are 9 datasources:

datasource:erizone is saved to /tmp/datasources/2018-12-19_16:24:08/erizone.datasource

datasource:glpi is saved to /tmp/datasources/2018-12-19_16:24:08/glpi.datasource

datasource:monitoring_availability is saved to /tmp/datasources/2018-12-19_16:24:08/monitoring_availability.datasource

datasource:monitoring_outages is saved to /tmp/datasources/2018-12-19_16:24:08/monitoring_outages.datasource

datasource:monitoring_perfdata is saved to /tmp/datasources/2018-12-19_16:24:08/monitoring_perfdata.datasource

datasource:neteye is saved to /tmp/datasources/2018-12-19_16:24:08/neteye.datasource

datasource:netflow is saved to /tmp/datasources/2018-12-19_16:24:08/netflow.datasource

datasource:perfdata is saved to /tmp/datasources/2018-12-19_16:24:08/perfdata.datasource

datasource:thruk is saved to /tmp/datasources/2018-12-19_16:24:08/thruk.datasource


search folder in grafana:

There are 0 folders:

I hope you will find this tool useful, too!

[1]To read more about the Grafana Export and Import click here.

[2]To read more about the GitHub grafana-backup-tool project click here.

[3]To read more about the Grafana authentication API click here.

Giuseppe Di Garbo

Giuseppe Di Garbo

Consultant at Würth Phoenix
Hi everybody. I’m Giuseppe and I was born in Milan in 1979. Since the early years of university, I was attracted by the Open Source world and operating system GNU\Linux. After graduation I had the opportunity to participate in a project of a startup for the realization of an Internet Service Provider. Before joining Würth Phoenix as SI consultant, I gained great experience as an IT consultant on projects related to business continuity and implementation of open source software compliant to ITIL processes of incident, change and service catalog management. My free time is completely dedicated to my wife and, as soon as possible, run away from Milan and his caotic time and trekking discover our beautiful mountain near Lecco for relax and lookup the (clean) sky.


Giuseppe Di Garbo

Hi everybody. I’m Giuseppe and I was born in Milan in 1979. Since the early years of university, I was attracted by the Open Source world and operating system GNU\Linux. After graduation I had the opportunity to participate in a project of a startup for the realization of an Internet Service Provider. Before joining Würth Phoenix as SI consultant, I gained great experience as an IT consultant on projects related to business continuity and implementation of open source software compliant to ITIL processes of incident, change and service catalog management. My free time is completely dedicated to my wife and, as soon as possible, run away from Milan and his caotic time and trekking discover our beautiful mountain near Lecco for relax and lookup the (clean) sky.

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