Blog Entries

16. 07. 2024 Beatrice Dall'Omo Blue Team, Red Team, SEC4U

Automate Business Processes with APIs: python-gvm

Have you already read this blog post Adding soar features to the soc part 1 vulnerability management? If not, you have to! It explains the SOAR features leveraged by the Würth Phoenix SOC and how we implement our Vulnerability Management process.  In this article, I’ll take a step back, focusing on what happens before the…

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09. 10. 2023 Davide Sbetti Log-SIEM, Machine Learning, NetEye

Semantic Search in Elasticsearch – Testing Our NetEye Guide: Can We Improve the Search Experience? (Part 2) 

In my previous blog post, we saw how it’s possible to index some documents that we created by crawling our NetEye User Guide, then applying the ELSER model in Elasticsearch to create a bag of words for searching that takes into account the context of the various documents. Moreover, we also performed a simple query…

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27. 03. 2023 Davide Sbetti Anomaly Detection, ITOA, NetEye

A Simple Grafana Data Source for Outlier Detection (POC) – Part 1

In this article, I’d like to step through the development of a simple Proof of Concept (POC) Grafana data source with you where we retrieve data from an API, apply an outlier detection technique, and then visualize the end results in a dashboard. So… let’s begin! Note: All the code discussed in this blog post…

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10. 01. 2023 Federico Corona Red Team, SEC4U

Red_Team_Script, a Powerful Script for Red Team Activities

Cybersecurity is a discipline that deals with protecting computer systems and digital data from attacks and security breaches. With the increasing use of technology and dependence on computer systems in everyday life, cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important. But what are the risks for those who don’t know how to protect themselves? Online security risks can…

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29. 12. 2021 Mirko Bez APM, Real User Experience

Auto-Instrumented Real User Monitoring in NetEye

In this post, I’ll describe a little Proof of Concept (PoC) that I developed to better understand Elasticsearch’s APM-Tracing and Real User Monitoring (RUM). We’ll see how we can use this technology to keep track of interactions between frontend and backend service(s), collect error logs centrally, and see where the bottlenecks are. I’ll put the…

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03. 12. 2020 Charles Callaway Documentation

Creating Documentation in Sphinx

Most small open source documentation projects use Markdown to create their project documentation. After all, it has a minimalistic and thus easy-to-learn syntax, does all the basics well, renders very quickly (even quickly enough to create a real-time WYSIWYG viewer), and is almost universally supported across popular web platforms like GitHub. At some point, though,…

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30. 12. 2019 Stefano Bruno ITOA, NetEye

Burstable Billing Bandwidth Using NetEye

Within Internet provider companies, very often we are asked to calculate the amount of Internet bandwidth in order to bill any excess use of bandwidth to each customer. We decided to make this calculation completely customizable using NetEye together with the built-in tools Icinga2, InfluxDB and Grafana. Phase 1 Using an SNMP check, we measure…

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