Blog Entries

30. 11. 2016 MarinovMihail Uncategorized

Preview EriZone 3.6: Miglioramenti del Budget Management

L’ultima versione EriZone 3.6.0 comprende notevoli miglioramenti anche per il modulo di Budget Management.

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30. 11. 2016 MarinovMihail Uncategorized

Preview EriZone 3.6: Verbesserungen am Budget Management

EriZone 3.6, welches Ende des Jahres released wird, enthält zwei wertvolle Erweiterungen des Budget-Management-Moduls.

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30. 11. 2016 MarinovMihail Service Management

Preview EriZone 3.6: Budget Management Enhancements

EriZone 3.6, which will be released at the end of this year, comes up with some enhancement concerning the budget management module.

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25. 11. 2016 Juergen Vigna Log Management, NetEye

Some Words about Logstash Filters and Dates

Some time ago I published an article about how to store the NetEye SMS Protocol log into an ELK environment. Now, after using it some times, I discovered that it was not completely correct as the time/date functions for the Logstash filters are a bit more complicated. In particular, it was that the date was…

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25. 11. 2016 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Logstash: filtraggio delle date

Qualche tempo fa pubblicai un articolo sull’utilizzo del NetEye Log Management per la visualizzazione delle notifiche SMS. Ora, in base all’esperienza acquisita, ho scoperto che ciò che scrissi non era totalmente corretto. Infatti le funzioni di time/date per i filtri Logstash sono leggermente più complicate di ciò che possono sembrare inizialmente. In particolare, la data…

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25. 11. 2016 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Ein paar Worte zu den Themen Logstash-Filter und Datum

Vor einiger Zeit habe ich einen Artikel veröffentlicht in dem ich beschrieben habe wie Logs vom NetEye SMS Protokoll in einer ELK-Umgebung gespeichert werden können. Jetzt, nachdem ich es einige Male selbst wie beschrieben implementiert habe, habe ich bemerkt, dass es leider nicht ganz korrekt funktioniert. Das kommt daher, dass die Time/Date Funktionen für Logstash-Filter…

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23. 11. 2016 Benjamin Gröber EriZone & OTRS, NetEye

Research & Development – Insights (Parte 1)

Il team di ricerca e sviluppo (R&D) è il team più grande all’interno della Business Unit System Integration (SI) di Wuerth Phoenix. Siamo responsabili dello sviluppo, manutenzione e della alta qualità di software per i nostri clienti. Inoltre, cooperiamo con il team di Service&Support per supporti di secondo livello. Dalla sua istituzione, il dipartimento SI…

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23. 11. 2016 Benjamin Gröber NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Research & Development – Insights (Part 1)

The Research and Development team (short R&D) is the largest team in the Würth Phoenix System Integration business unit. Our responsibility is to develop, maintain and deliver high quality software to our customers. We also provide second level support in cooperation with our Service & Support team. In past, the SI department was one of…

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23. 11. 2016 Benjamin Gröber NetEye

Research & Development – Insights (Teil 1)

Das Research & Development Team (kurz R&D) ist das größte Team unserer Business Unit. Unsere Verantwortung liegt darin, qualitativ hochwertige Software zu entwickeln, diese an unsere Kunden auszuliefern und zu pflegen. Außerdem stellen wir gemeinsam mit unserem Service & Support Team den 2nd-Level Support zu unseren Lösungen bereit. Die System Integration Business Unit war immer…

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21. 11. 2016 Juergen Vigna NetEye, Real User Experience

Are you wasting many hours by executing repeating tasks?

Hand simple tasks over to Alyvix. In this way, you will be able to save precious working hours and in turn, to invest your precious time in more important activities. Alyvix has been designed to simulate real user inputs or actions, to check if an application runs correctly and to register its performance values in…

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21. 11. 2016 Juergen Vigna NetEye, Real User Experience Monitoring

Verschwenden Sie wertvolle Zeit mit täglich wiederkehrenden Tasks?

Übergeben Sie einfache Arbeitsschritte an Alyvix. So sparen Sie wertvolle Arbeitszeit, um mehr Energie in wichtigere Aktivitäten investieren zu können. Alyvix wurde entwickelt um Eingaben und andere Aktionen menschlicher User zu simulieren, um zu prüfen ob die business-kritischen Applikationen an allen Standorten verfügbar sind und gleichermaßen performen. Die gesammelten Performancedaten werden registriert, damit anschließend aktuelle…

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21. 11. 2016 Juergen Vigna NetEye, Real User Experience Monitoring

Stai perdendo molte ore nello svolgimento di operazioni ripetitive?

Trasferisci l’esecuzione di questi semplici compiti ad Alyvix. In questo modo, potrai risparmiare tempo prezioso da poter reinvestire in attività più importanti. Alyvix è stato progettato per simulare le azioni e gli input di un utente reale, per controllare se un’applicazione funziona correttamente e per registrare i valori prestazionali accostandoli a quelli passati. Attraverso questo…

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16. 11. 2016 MarinovMihail EriZone & OTRS

Preview EriZone 3.6: Ticket-Sequenzen

Mit EriZone 3.6, welches Ende diesen Jahres released wird, werden neue Funktionen zum Activity Management eingeführt. Activity-Tickets, welche im Rahmen des Access Managements erstellt werden, können nun durch die Definition einer Sequenz miteinander verlinkt werden. Anschließend wird für die Abarbeitung der Activity-Tickets die definierte Reihenfolge eingehalten. Wenn eine Aktivität definiert wird, ist es möglich, sie…

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16. 11. 2016 MarinovMihail EriZone & OTRS

Preview EriZone 3.6: Gestione sequenziale delle activity

Con EriZone 3.6, che sarà rilasciato a fine anno, verranno introdotte nuove funzionalità per l’Activity Management. Gli activity ticket creati nel contesto dell’Access Management possono ora essere collegati tra loro per creare un ordine sequenziale. Quando un’activity dell’Access Management viene creata è possibile definire un ordine sequenziale e definire le dipendenze con altre activity. Successivamente…

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16. 11. 2016 MarinovMihail Service Management

Preview EriZone 3.6: Activity Sequence Management

With EriZone 3.6, which will be released at the end of this year, new features regarding the Activity Management will be introduced. Activity tickets created in the context of Access Management can now be linked to each other to create a sequence. After that, the order of fulfillment of these activity tickets will respect the created…

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